What is the Orthodox Church?
Although the Orthodox Church is one of the largest Christian communions in the world, many people visiting Kimisis might ask: "What is the Greek Orthodox Church?" The best way to answer that question is to ask a couple of questions. "Come and see...Did you know that every book of the New Testament was originally written in Greek?" "Did you know that the Apostle Paul preached in Athens not far from the Parthenon and wrote five letters to the Churches he established in places throughout Greece such as Corinth, Thessalonika, and Phillipi that are in the epistles of the New Testament?" The answer to the question of who we are is very simple: We are that Church written about on the very pages of the New Testament.
Visitors are always welcome! It is our hope that the resources on our website will help you learn, not only about our parish, but the faith has been handed down and preserved by those who have lived their lives for Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ always,
Father Jason Dickey
To learn more about the Orthodox Faith please select the following links below
- An introduction to the Divine Liturgy
- An introduction to Orthodox Worship Space
- 5 Misconceptions about the Orthodox Church
- Where did the Bible come from?
- 5 Differences between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches
- 5 Differences between Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism
- Something for the kids..."The life of an Orthodox Christian"